
The Evens Foundation aims to contribute to the ideal of a resilient Europe that inspires people and communities toward a collective future of freedom, democracy and joy.

What we do

Young people’s voices and needs are often under-represented in public life. This is why we have placed them at the heart of our work.

In 2023, we developed a new strategy focused on three core pillars: Youth and Democracy, Youth and Mental Well-being, and Defending Against Authoritarianism.

We are exploring the state of democracy at a time when young people's trust in institutions is in severe decline and looking at the impact of new technologies while continuing to support, develop and highlight strategies against authoritarianism.

Rising anxiety and depression rates among Europe's young will have significant consequences, so we are also working to increase the political priority of mental health and investigate how the needs of young people can be better represented, understood and responded to.

This work builds on the knowledge we have accumulated over thirty years of activities in the fields of journalism, education, the arts, and science, and the strengths of our unique network of partners, collaborators and prize laureates.

Our approach

We focus on projects that have a tangible impact on our audiences locally and across Europe.

Collaboration is key. We partner with diverse institutions, non-profit organisations and innovative individuals, and specialist knowledge groups to share ideas and develop projects. We are committed to experimentation — either through designing and piloting new projects, trying different formats, or supporting independent, pioneering ideas – alongside more traditional forms of action, such as research-based reports.

We also identify and support forward-thinking and progressive individuals and organisations through our biennial prizes in Education, Journalism, Science and the Arts. Each edition focuses on a different aspect of these fields, with a prize-giving ceremony and a flexible programme of events tailored to the topic.

Who we are

The Evens Foundation was initiated by Irene Evens-Radzyminska and George Evens in 1990. Having witnessed the horrors of World War Two, which forced them to flee their home in Poland, they found new hope in Belgium. The Foundation's creation expressed their belief in – and commitment to – the European Project: a vision of a Europe where unity and solidarity would prevail over discord.

Since then, the Foundation has evolved in response to the changing needs and concerns of communities within the EU and beyond. In 2023, the Foundation initiated a new strategy with a new mission focusing on young people aged 16-29.

Corinne Evens, daughter of the founders, is the Honorary President of the Foundation. Joe Elborn is the Foundation's Executive Director, and Monique Canto-Sperber is the Chairwoman of the Advisory Board.

Corinne Evens was appointed the Executive President of the Foundation by its board in 1996 after George Evens passed away. Although the Foundation was initiated in 1990, its activities did not start in earnest until this point.

The Foundation was created out of a wish for a harmonious, humanist, and strong Europe, so Corinne Evens put this at the centre of the Evens Foundation's operations. Her ambition was to surface and highlight common values through brave and innovative actions.

The European Commission named 1997 the European Year Against Racism against a backdrop of recommendations to tackle rising racism and xenophobia across the Union. It was an opportune moment for the Foundation to refocus, launching projects and activities promoting Intercultural Education, and introducing four prizes, per the Foundation's by-laws: not just a reaction, but a proactive step towards a more inclusive Europe. The Foundation has continued to evolve, but its Founders' spirit and vision for Europe remain an anchor for all of its activities.

Who is Corinne Evens?

Corinne Evens is a prominent entrepreneur and philanthropist, known for her dynamic leadership in global business and her deep commitment to philantropy activities. Throughout her multifaceted career, she has consistently dedicated herself to advancing education and social welfare.

As President of the Evens Foundation, Mrs Evens is widely celebrated for her relentless advocacy of diversity, respect, and tolerance across Europe, making a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals.

  • Yolande Avontroodt
  • Angélique Berès
  • Monique Canto-Sperber
  • Corinne Evens Co-Founder and Honorary President
  • Jonathan Evens
  • Déborah Flon
  • Daniel Kropf
  • Gerard Salole
  • Xavier Vidal

    Executive Committee

  • Corinne Evens
  • Xavier Vidal
  • Maria Orejas