The Evens Foundation will facilitate three workshops at Campus – The Future of Poland, in partnership with Fundacja Wieświejak, David Sypniewski and the Association of Creative Initiatives “ę”.
Campus Polska Przyszłości (Campus - The Future of Poland) runs from 25-31 August in Olsztyn. It aims to connect young people to key figures and ideas in culture, politics and social activism.
The Evens Foundation views participation in the event as a unique opportunity to engage with a new audience of young activists and develop new workshops with exciting partners and experts while remaining politically neutral.
The Foundation is developing workshops with expert partners, focussing on issues including AI, rural/urban divide and intergenerational dialogue.
Three new workshops will debut at the event: Too young/too old to vote? Intergenerational dialogue before the elections with Marta Białek-Graczyk from the Association of Creative Initiatives “ę” on 28 August; Urban/rural stories. How to connect and act together with Anna Łukawska-Adamczyk from Fundacja Wieświejak on 29 August; and AI and social change – facts, myths and inspirations for the young activist’s work with David Sypniewski on 30 August. The first two will be delivered in Polish, and the last workshop will be in English.